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PRESS RELEASE: XORE and SentianAI in strategic cooperation

SentianAI and XORE, two Swedish leading innovative companies, form a strategic cooperation. The ongoing electrification of the society requires the mining industry to recover significantly more metals in the coming years from lower ore grades. Mining operations are battling variations in ore properties and mineral content that can significantly affect the processing plants’ ability to[…]

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Hiring: Project Manager

Project Manager XORE is hiring for a project manager with a client-centric focus to handle international logistics and occasional sales support. About XORE Xore is an international supplier of analysis equipment for the mining industry. We’re a growing company with a foundational product technology that’s long been established in its sector. Our work environment is[…]

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Hiring: Product Specialist – Analysis Software

Product Specialist – Analysis Software XORE is hiring for an analysis software product specialist to support current products in the field and future innovations in development. About XORE XORE is a Swedish supplier of analysis equipment to the global mining industry. We’re a growing company with a foundational product technology that’s long been established in[…]

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Webinar 2021

Learn about XORE and the products on this webinar. The webinar consists of an introduction to XORE, the Boxray online analyzers – and the introduction of a completely new product! – Click here to watch the Webinar ! –

Swedish Norwegian combined flag

Xore opens subsidiary in Norway

Xore will open its first subsidiary, in Norway. “We are very happy to announce these good news, especially in times when there is not so much good news around” says Mikael Normark, CEO. “Xore has had interesting discussions with some Norwegian companies, and the time has now come to open a local branch. This will[…]

Canadian Mineral Processors Pin

Canadian Mineral Processors Conference

Together with Multotec we went to the 52nd annual Canadian Mineral Processors Conference, in Ottawa. We listened to some interesting talks within our fields, but also equally interesting problems and solutions in completely different fields. It is a great way to come together and share experiences and get new ideas. The people we met were[…]

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Multotec Canada

Multotec Canada joins Xore to represent our products in the North American markets. “We have a good opportunity to bring attractive offers to the table together” says Mikael Normark, CEO of Xore. “Multotec’s samplers and our analysers are a good combination, and by making this effort together we want to make it easy for the[…]

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Xore is now on Instagram

Xore is now on Instagram! We are opening another channel to make it easier to find information about our products and ourselves. Find us there and learn more about on-stream analyzers and how you can benefit from upgrading to a modern and state of the art machine. View this post on Instagram Sampling tanks of[…]